global { spark-options { "spark.sql.shuffle.partitions" = 2 } } dataObjects { ext-departures { type = WebserviceFileDataObject url = "" readTimeoutMs=200000 } stg-departures { type = JsonFileDataObject path = "~{id}" } ext-airports { type = WebserviceFileDataObject # uses redirects to the URL below url = "" # url = "" followRedirects = true readTimeoutMs=200000 } stg-airports { type = CsvFileDataObject path = "~{id}" } int-airports { type = CsvFileDataObject path = "~{id}" } } actions { download-departures { type = FileTransferAction inputId = ext-departures outputId = stg-departures metadata { feed = download } } download-airports { type = FileTransferAction inputId = ext-airports outputId = stg-airports metadata { feed = download } } select-airport-cols { type = CopyAction inputId = stg-airports outputId = int-airports transformers = [{ type = SQLDfTransformer code = "select ident, name, latitude_deg, longitude_deg from stg_airports" }] metadata { feed = compute } } }