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Smart Data Lake Builder relies on DataFrame schema to verify proper transitions from one DataObject to another.

Depending on the DataObject the schema is provided directly with the data source. Alternatively, the schema can be specified in the configuration or inferred from the data. For productive workloads it is not recommended to use schema inference, but the schema of DataObjects that are at the start of a data pipeline should be specified for performance and stability reasons.

Furthermore, depending on the DataObject type, schema evolution is supported, see below.

Schema inference

For most DataObjects the Schema can be inferred, e.g. by sampling items in an XML stream. Nevertheless, best practice especially for production cases are fixed schemata.


To assert that a defined list of columns is always present in the schema of a specific DataObject, use its schemaMin attribute to define a minimal schema. The minimal schema is validated on read and write with Spark.

Specifying Schema

To specify the schema many DataObjects support the schema attribute (e.g. all children of SparkFileDataObject) for reading and writing with Spark. The schema attribute allows to define the schema the DataObject tries to read data with, and can be used to avoid schema inference with Spark DataSources. On write the DataFrame to be written must match the defined schema exactly (nullability and column order are ignored).

The schema can be defined by using one of the schema providers below, default is ddl. The schema provider and its configuration value must be provided in the format <provider>#<value>.

Schema Providers available are:

ddlcreate the schema from a Spark ddl stringddl#a string, b array<struct<b1: string, b2: long>>, c struct<c1: string, c2: long>
ddlFileread a Spark ddl definition from a file and create a schemaddlFile#abc/xyz.ddl
caseClassconvert a Scala Case Class to a schema using Spark encoderscaseClass#com.sample.XyzClass
javaBeanconvert a Java Bean to a schema using Spark encodersjavaBean#com.sample.XyzClass
xsdFileread an Xml Schema Definition file and create a schemaxsdFile#abc/xyz.xsd
jsonSchemaFileread a Json Schema file and create a schemajsonSchemaFile#abc/xyz.json
avroSchemaFileread an Avro Schema file and create a schemaavroSchemaFile#abc/xyz.avsc

Customize xsdFile provider behaviour: xsdFile#<path-to-xsd-file>;<row-tag>;<maxRecursion:Int>;<jsonCompatibility:Boolean>

  • <row-tag>: configure the path of the element to extract from the xsd schema. Leave empty to extract the root.
  • <maxRecursion>: if xsd schema is recursive, this configures the number of levels to create in the schema. Default is 10 levels.
  • <jsonCompatibility>: In XML array elements are modeled with their own tag named with singular name. In JSON an array attribute has unnamed array entries, but the array attribute has a plural name. If true, the singular name of the array element in the XSD is converted to a plural name by adding an 's' in order to read corresponding json files. Default is false.

Customize jsonSchemaFile provider behaviour: jsonSchemaFile#<path-to-json-file>;<row-tag>;<strictTyping:Boolean>;<additionalPropertiesDefault:Boolean>

  • <row-tag>: configure the path of the element to extract from the json schema. Leave empty to extract the root.
  • <strictTyping>: if true union types (oneOf) are merged if rational, otherwise they are simply mapped to StringType; additional properties are ignored, otherwise the corresponding schema object is mapped to MapType(String,String). Default is strictTyping=false.
  • <additionalPropertiesDefault>: Set to true or false. This is used as default value for 'additionalProperties'-field if it is missing in a schema with type='object'. Default value is additionalPropertiesDefault=true, as this conforms with the specification.

Customize avroSchemaFile provider behaviour: avroSchemaFile#<path-to-avsc-file>;<row-tag>

  • <row-tag>: configure the path of the element to extract from the avro schema. Leave empty to extract the root.

Schema Evolution

SmartDataLakeBuilder is built to support schema evolution where possible. This means that data pipelines adapt themselves automatically to additional or removed columns and changes of data types if possible. The following cases can be distinguished:

  • Overwrite all (CopyAction): if all data of a DataObject is overwritten, the schema can be replaced: additional columns are added, removed columns are removed and data types are changed. Requirements:
    • Output DataObject needs to be able to replace schema.
  • Overwrite all keeping existing data (Historize- & DeduplicateAction): Action consolidates new data with existing data. The schema needs to be evolved: additional columns are added with null value for existing records, removed columns are kept with null values for new records and data types are changed to new data type if supported. Requirements:
    • Output DataObject needs to be able to replace schema.
    • Output DataObject must be a TransactionalSparkTableDataObject (read existing data and overwrite new data in the same SparkJob, preventing data loss in case of errors).
  • Overwrite incremental using merge (CopyAction, DeduplicateAction): Action incrementally merges new data into existing data. The schema needs to be evolved: additional columns are added with null value for existing records, removed columns are kept with null values for new records and data types are changed to new data type if supported. Requirements:
    • Output DataObject needs to support CanEvolveSchema (alter schema automatically when writing to this DataObject with different schema)
    • Output DataObject needs to support CanMergeDataFrame (use SQL merge statement to update and insert records transactionally)

Specific behaviour of DataObjects:

  • HiveTableDataObject & TickTockHiveTableDataObject: Table schema is managed by Hive and automatically created on first write and updated on subsequent overwrites of the whole table. Changing schema for partitioned tables is not supported. By manipulating the table definition with DDL statements (e.g. alter table add columns) its possible to read data files with a different schema.
  • SparkFileDataObject: see detailed description in Spark Data Sources.
    • Many Data Sources support schema inference (e.g. Json, Csv), but we would not recommend this for production data pipelines as the result might not be stable when new data arrives.
    • For Data Formats with included schema (e.g. Avro, Parquet), schema is read from a random data file. If data files have different schemas, Parquet Data Source supports to consolidate schemas by setting option mergeSchema=true. Avro Data Source does not support this.
    • If you define the schema attribute of the DataObject, SDL tries to read the data files with the defined schema. This is e.g. supported by the Json Data Source, but not the CSV Data Source.
  • JdbcTableDataObject: The database table can be created automatically on first write or by providing a create table statement in createSql attribute. Also existing table is automatically adapted (add & change column) when option allowSchemaEvolution=true.
  • DeltaLakeTableDataObject: Existing schema is automatically adapted (add & change column) when option allowSchemaEvolution=true.

Recipes for data pipelines with schema evolution

  • "Overwrite all" with CopyAction: overwriting the whole output DataObject including its schema. It needs an output DataObject which doesn't have a fixed schema, e.g. HiveTableDataObject.
  • "Overwrite all keeping existing data" with HistorizeAction & DeduplicateAction: consolidate the existing data & schema of the output DataObject with a potentially new schema of the input DataObject. Then it overwrites the whole output DataObject. It needs a TransactionalSparkTableDataObject as output, e.g. TickTockHiveTableDataObject.
  • "Overwrite incremental using merge" with CopyAction & DeduplicateAction: evolve the existing schema of the output DataObject and insert and update new data using merge. It needs an output DataObject supporting CanMergeDataFrame and CanEvolveSchema, e.g. JdbcTableDataObject, DeltaLakeTableObject