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Hocon Secrets

Usernames, passwords and other secrets should not be stored in your configuration files in clear text as these files are often stored directly in the version control system. They should also not be visible in logfiles after execution. Secret providers are the secure solutions to work with credentials.

Secret Providers (since version 2.5.0)

In version 2.5.0 of SDL, new properties with an improved secret syntax were introduced. Based on this new syntax, SDL can determine if a secret provider should be used or if the value can directly be read from the configuration, either as plaintext or from an environment variable. The actual secret can be selected using the format ###<SecretProviderId>#<SecretName>###.

In the following snippet, the secrets are retrieved from a secret provider

user = "###AZKV#JDBCuser###"
password = "###AZKV#JDBCpw###"


user = "username"
password = "password123"

provides plaintext secret values. To read from environment variables, write

user = ${JDBCuser}
password = ${JDBCpw}

(You may also use environment variables to set other settings.)

Whether secret providers can be used for a property can be seen in its description in the Schema Viewer. For example:


Implemented secret providers are:

file###FILE#filename;secretName###read secretName from file filename. The file needs to be a property file with line format secretName=secretValue
Azure KeyVaulte.g. ###AZKV#secretName###Azure KeyVault element secretName. KeyValut specified in global section (see below)
Databricks Secrete.g. ###DBSECRET#secretName###Databricks element secretName. Secret provider specified in global section (see below)

Additionaly, custom providers can be implemented, see Custom Secret Providers.

Legacy Secret Providers (deprecated in version 2.5.0)

All configuration items ending with ...Variable, like BasicAuthMode's userVariable and passwordVariable can be used with secret providers. The actual secret can be selected using the format: <SecretProviderId>#<SecretName>, e.g.

userVariable = "AZKV#JDBCuser"
passwordVariable = "AZKV#JDBCpw"

Implemented secret providers are:

clear textCLEAR#pdThe secret will be used literally (cleartext). This is only recommended for test environments.
environment variableENV#pdThe value for this secret will be read from the environment variable called "pd".
fileFILE#filename;secretNameread secretName from file filename. The file needs to be a property file with line format secretName=secretValue
Azure KeyVaulte.g. AZKV#secretNameAzure KeyVault element secretName. KeyValut specified in global section (see below)
Databricks Secrete.g. DBSECRET#secretNameDatabricks element secretName. Secret provider specified in global section (see below)

Secret Provider Configuration

Azure KeyVault configuration

An Azure KeyVault would be specified as follows, here using an ID AZKV. The KeyVault name still needs to be specified.

global = {
secretProviders = {
AZKV = {
options = {
keyVaultName: <azure-key-vault-name>

Databricks Secret configuration

Using Databricks credentials and other values can be stored encrypted as Databricks secrets. This can be used within SDLB by utilizing the class DatabricksSecretProvider. Here the ID DBSECRETS is used for further SDLB configuration references. Further, the secret scope (here scope=test) is required in Databricks. The configuration would look like:

global {
secretProviders {
className = io.smartdatalake.util.secrets.DatabricksSecretProvider
options = { scope = test }

Custom Secret Provider

Furthermore, a custom secret provider could be implemented as class using the trait SecretProvider and a constructor with parameter options: Map[String,String]. The specification in the global section would in general look like:

global {
secretProviders {
<secretProviderId> = {
className = <fully qualified class name of SecretProvider>
options = { <options as key/value> }